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WVU Potomac State College Day of Giving returns March 20

Four images in a collage, one of a person celebrating with pink powder, one of people taking care of plants, one of a man shooting basketball, one of two people posing in graduation robes

Alumni, donors, employees, 和 friends of West Virginia University Potomac State College are invited to come together on March 20, in support of the seventh WVU Day of Giving. This momentous occasion brings together individuals wanting to support student-related financial needs.

“捐助者 have a pivotal role in shaping the future of the next generation of leaders. By giving back, supporters directly impact the financial needs of students, enabling them to focus on their academic studies. 的se donations, regardless of their size, contribute to a collective effort which enhances opportunities 和 is instrumental in reducing overwhelming financial barriers,” 说 incoming Interim PSC President Paul Kreider.

As financial need has increased, the PSC General Scholarship Fund helps lessen the financial strain on students 和 他们的家庭. Students who receive support through scholarships often feel a sense of community 和 gratitude which in turn fosters a culture of paying it forward, becoming future contributors 和 ambassadors for the College themselves.               

Beyond the classroom, contributions support student sports travel 和 wellness programs that are essential for personal 和 professional growth. 的 PSC General 十大老品牌网赌信誉平台 Fund helps create a positive experience for student-athletes from across the nation 和 around the world who choose to play sports at Potomac State College.

Scholarships are paramount to the success of students. As part of the Catamount family, which extends beyond the campus boundaries, donors have the opportunity during WVU Day of Giving to provide support for students as well as create incredible opportunities.

Navigating challenges that students face, often beyond their control, can be daunting. 的 Student Support Fund was created to ensure that a financial burden will not prevent them from enrolling or completing their degree.

“Potomac State College is grateful for the ongoing support of our dedicated community. 的 impact of scholarships extends far beyond the 大学时代. Graduates who benefit from scholarships often make significant contributions to society. Together, we can create a ripple effect, ensuring the continued success of future generations 和 the growth of our institution,” Kreider 说.

To maximize your gift-giving power, consider making a gift during one of these hours when additional 基金 将被授予.

起床和天亮 a.m.

的 early bird gets the bonus 基金?! If you plan to give on Day of Giving, set an alarm (or calendar 提醒)7小时.m. We want to be the participating unit with the most gifts 在这一小时内. That will earn us additional 基金 for our greatest needs! Giving online is easy 和安全 和 remember this challenge isn’t about total dollars raised but rather total donors giving!

调用所有 仙人掌:10a.m.

的 top three participating groups with the most gifts from alumni between 10 和 11 a.m. 赢得更多的 资金! So call/text that old roommate, challenge a friend you met on the quad, or the person you stood next to at graduation. This hour is all about alumni 和 the pride you feel for your home on the hill. Giving online is easy 和安全.


Potomac State connections extend beyond our beloved alumni. Giving online is easy 和安全. We challenge anyone who is a friend of the College to give 在这一小时内. 的 top three participating groups with the most gifts from friends between 4 和 5 p.m. will 赢得更多的 资金!

For more information 和 to donate on March 20, visit our 学院的 给页面. Make sure to follow our progress on the leaderboard as well as on 脸谱网Instagram.

你的慷慨 makes a difference in the lives of students 和 their futures.